Canyon Islands

The Canyon Island Series are ceramic, usually set within glass.



They are made to represent an exotic place or a remote sanctuary, with crystal water, like Crater Lake/Wizard Island, or Skellig Michael, or slot canyons like Antelope and Zebra.

Canyon Islands are built one coil at a time, by hand, in the spirit of Ra Paulette's work.

CIs consist of some similar elements, here are the main parts.

~ island; the coil built-up clay/ceramic central part.
~ pond; the main body of water- the crackled glass is meant to resemble light refracting through clear pristine water
~ top pond(s); small pond(s) on top of a Canyon Island
~ die or dice; reflect (part of) my signature and the date finished (yy/mm/dd)
~ the clay is local to Star, NC (STARwhite6, STARred6 and STARbrown6) 

Looking down through, gives neat views.

Prices reflect the size/weight, time, complexity, and final aesthetics of the design, of each piece. They range from about the size of a dinner plate to as big as I can fit in my small kiln- about 18"diameter, 24" tall, 40ish lbs., and take 30+ hrs. to build. 

It's rather hard to get images that show the true colors of the clay and the glass- different lighting changes the way they look...

 ...sometimes dramatically!

More images of completed CIs are here at this link.