An ADAGIO is a Shiitake Mushroom Log Sculpture. 
         (logs inoculated with actively growing shiitake mushrooms)

I've adopted the musical term adagio, because an adagio sculpture will play out slowly, over time. It is as much a performance piece as it is a still standing sculpture. It is often prepared and created as a group collaborative work. Most people who help make it will take some of the logs home, thus expanding the sculpture's geographical footprint. It is usually an installation piece. The mushrooms colonize and consume the logs over a period of many seasons. Edible mushrooms are harvested from it, and will be prepared and eaten in a variety of ways.
    "You can have your sculpture and eat it too!"
The degradation of the logs will change its texture and look over its life span. 


Below are a few examples;

"Gate and Bench", made at a Tri State Sculptors workshop on International Sculpture Day, at Jim Gallucci's shop in Greensboro, NC.       (picture and gif)

     Ladder to a Star

SCEU Nature Conservancy
( Radford University of VA )
It was created as an installation piece during the 2019 Tri State Sculptors Association Annual Conference

ADAGIO at Carolina Bronze
created at the International Sculpture Day event in Seagrove, NC, in April of 2019

view with a short video